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Six Feet Under Page 2

  If he was looking for a rebound, I might just give in to him because he was extremely sexy and I seriously wouldn't mind. It would most likely be awkward between us then in future family gatherings and such, though.

  He picked me up a few houses down from mine, just making sure there was no way anyone could have spotted us. Especially Alex.

  I think he was also being very careful, knowing what my brother was like.

  But now that we were sitting in his car as he drove us towards God knows where, I felt like this might've been a bad idea.

  Maybe this was a mistake. I mean, technically we were close family friends, but not actual friends.

  I honestly don't remember ever having a proper conversation with him, so why was I here now?

  Maybe I was just curious as to why he would only now show any type of interest in me.

  "You're not hungover, are you?" Hunter asked, glancing over at me with a small smirk as I fiddled with my fingers on my lap. I let out a small laugh, trying to ease the tension.

  "Not anymore. I ate shit tonne of food after you drove me home. You know, uh... to help with the hangover?"

  Good going, Willow. Just count on me to make sure a hot guy knows straight up that I'm not the healthiest person ever.

  Hunter chuckled, seeming very calm and casual while I awkwardly gave him a smile. It was clear to him I was nervous, and I think he found it slightly amusing.

  "You have a bathing suit, right?" He then asked, as we drove through the darkness. I was very familiar with where we were right now, since our school was in this area.

  "Yes," I nodded.

  "Where are you taking me?" Hunter shot me a small smile after my question, while my eyes were fixated on him. He was very good looking, through and through.

  "We're going to school," he spoke, dark eyes fixated on the road ahead.

  My brows furrowed, "school?"

  Hunter chuckled, resting one arm on his lap as he now pulled up to the parking lot of our high school. It was Saturday evening, so there was nobody else here.

  "Do you remember the first time we went swimming together?" He parked his sleek black car and unbuckled his seat belt before turning his toned body a bit to face mine.

  It amazed me how casual and calm he was; I guess he was used to having girls fall at his feet. Sure, I went on dates with guys a lot, but still I felt nervous as to how this would go.

  Until this morning, I had thought of Hunter as a distant brother. And then he had randomly asked me to go on a date with him so he wouldn't be telling Alex about my drunken adventures last night at 3 AM.

  "At Mallorca?" I asked him, remembering the first vacation our two families took together.

  I had just turned three while he was five, along with Alex. Technically, I didn't remember the actual swimming, but there are old pictures of the three of us playing in a kiddie pool at the hotel resort.

  Hunter shook his head, as I also unbuckled my seatbelt.

  "I meant just the two of us," he added, voice the attractive smoky and husky kind.

  I tried to think back, but nothing came to my mind.

  How could he remember something from so long ago?

  I gave him a shake of my head, watching as he smiled down at his lap before looking back at me and speaking.

  "You were six, and I was eight," Hunter began, eyes focused on me, giving me some weird ass tingles. The tingles weren't in my ass, just to be clear.

  "We were in Lisbon on holiday. Alex got food poisoning-"

  "Oh! Right! The nuts!" I cut in with excited realisation, shutting myself up right after it.

  I was most likely blushing when Hunter burst out laughing. It was a very attractive sound.

  "Yes, Willow," he grinned widely, speaking teasingly, "he ate the old peanuts at the hotel and got sick. And cause he couldn't leave his bed, my mum brought you and I to the beach".

  I nodded, remembering it faintly now. "How do you even remember that?" I let out a small laugh.

  He just gave me a smile, opening the driver's side door.

  "It's one of my favourite memories," Hunter told me, surprising me, "come on, let's go".

  I remained silent, watching as he got out of the car. I just let out a small breath and also got out before closing the door after me.

  I lifted up my leggings a little before walking over to the back of the car where Hunter had just opened the trunk.

  He handed me the crocodile floatie, and grabbed a dark backpack which he threw over his shoulder. I watched quietly as he closed the trunk and locked his car, before turning to look at me.

  Hunter blinked slowly, studying me while it seemed like a million thoughts were running through his mind.

  I gave him a soft smile, hugging the crocodile under my left arm. "Are we breaking into the school's swimming pool?" I then came to the conclusion.

  I watched closely as he seemed to visibly relax in front of me with a chuckle.

  "We're not technically breaking in," he nodded for me to walk with him as he began heading towards the back of the school. I walked beside him as he continued, "I have a key."

  "How do you have a key?" I asked, amused, since I knew for a fact only captains of the swimming teams were allowed them, and Hunter definitely wasn't on the team.

  He gave me a smirk, shrugging. "I used to, uh..." he hesitated, chuckling lowly to himself as we rounded the school towards the back door, "I used to have a thing with the captain of the girls' swimming team."

  "Oh," I let out a small laugh. Of course. "You stole her key?"

  Hunter fished out a key from his pocket as we stepped up to the blue metal door behind the dark high school building.

  "She gave me one. It's a long story. And I forgot to return it," he grinned, unlocking the back door.

  I let out a small giggle, shaking my head at him playfully.

  With him carrying a dark backpack and me the crocodile floatie, I followed Hunter into the dark hallway, before he turned on the lights.

  Just as I heard the door slowly creak closed after us, I realised we were in the white hallway that had changing rooms along it.

  Quietly, I followed him down it, until stopping at the changing room leading to the school's swimming pool.

  We stepped inside and he turned on the lights. It was weird being at school at night, but also exciting.

  I watched as he placed his bag onto one of the benches, before he opened it and pulled out two cans of coca cola. Hunter offered me one of them, and I accepted gladly.

  After that, I just stood there awkwardly as he began undressing himself.

  "Everything okay?" He looked at me with slightly raised brows, shirtless and unbuckling his belt.

  I'm not even going to pretend I didn't find him and that action incredibly hot.

  "Yeah," I almost squeaked, clearing my throat in an awkward way quick after it.

  He grinned, shaking his head slightly at me. "You might wanna take your clothes off, if you don't want to get them wet".

  I nodded, placing the crocodile down. "Yeah," I let out a small laugh, mentally face palming myself for acting so weird around him.

  I lifted the hoodie over my head, revealing my black bikini top. I then removed my leggings, and placed both items of clothing onto the wooden bench.

  Finally, I kicked off my shoes and socks, before looking back at Hunter. He was standing in front of me in black swimming shorts.

  "We're matching," he gave me an attractive smile, making me relax.

  I returned the smile and nodded, "yeah".

  I didn't even stop myself from checking him out as he leaned down to lift up the crocodile floatie into his hands.

  "You ready?" He asked, nodding towards the door that led into the big swimming pool.

  I nodded, grabbing the closed coca cola can he had given me while he carried his, before following him to the door, through it, and into the pool which was lit up by the moonlight. It was actually pretty beautiful.

  "Do you bring all your date
s here?" I asked him teasingly and lightheartedly while he threw the floatie onto the calm surface of the water.

  Hunter chuckled and placed his coca cola beside the pool, me following his actions.

  "I'm not that unimaginative, babe," Hunter hummed, shaking his head.

  "I've never had a date at the school swimming pool," I nodded and added with a grin, "at night."

  "Exactly," a small smirk tugged at his lips. I forced my eyes to stay on his, and not get caught drooling over his body.

  "This might sound really fucking stupid, but I miss that feeling when you and I were swimming in Lisbon".

  "Oh," a soft smile formed onto my lips. That was cute, I guess.

  Hunter let out a small chuckle and scratched the back of his neck, looking away. I guess the older you got, the more you began appreciating the fun and freedom from worry that you'd had when younger.

  The diving board at the other end of the pool was almost begging us to jump off of it, while the stands, where parents would come watch swimming competitions between schools on the right side of the long swimming pool, was completely empty and dark.

  Maybe he really was upset over his break up with Cindy, like Alex had said. It seemed like he was looking for a distraction if he wanted to remember an old feeling he had enjoyed.

  And honestly, I didn't mind. Hunter Reid was hot, and I was so up for having fun with him.

  Maybe a little more than just swimming around, if I was lucky.


  The water felt amazing in the moonlight streaming in through the windows on the ceiling. I was trying to stay on top of my crocodile floatie while Hunter was trying to prevent that from happening.

  Playfully, he would tug my ankle just as I had found a steady position to lay down on top of the floatie, causing me to slide back down into the water.

  It was weird how he had a personality that you couldn't help but open up to and get comfortable with.

  Even though I had felt awkward in the beginning of tonight, I now felt like I'd known Hunter my whole life. Which, technically I had, but not so well.

  "I'm going to end up drowning if you don't let me stay on top of my croc," I laughed, gently pushing him under the water as I now struggled to keep my head above the water.

  I wasn't very strong, and swimming was definitely tiring me out. Hunter looked amused as he easily floated in front of me.

  "This isn't the damn Titanic, Willow." he grinned widely, "I think you'll survive."

  I giggled, shaking my head at him as I turned around to swim back towards the croc, which had floated away a little when I'd fallen back into the water.

  Before I got very far though, I felt him place his hands on my hips under water, stopping me.

  I was confused, until he slightly inched forward in the water and let his front press against my back. I felt completely frozen as his lips brushed against my ear, while a tingle ran down to my core.

  "Let's let Jack survive this once," he murmured, hot breath hitting my bare skin.

  I couldn't get my mind off his strong hands holding me in place with his front brushing against my back while he kept us above the surface by smoothly moving his legs back and forth under the water, calmly.

  "It's always annoyed me how only Rose survived, you know?"

  I tried to make a sound of agreement, but ended up letting out something that sounded like a fork scratching against a plate.

  I quickly nodded though, blushing furiously when I felt a smirk form onto his lips against my ear.

  Before I knew it, he slid his body against mine, letting his hands fall down from my hips as he slowly swam past me and towards the floatie.

  I was shocked and confused, but loving it even as I started struggling to keep myself above the water again.

  Hunter was clearly pleased with the reaction he had got from me, as I was still sort of dazed by the tingle, while he lifted himself swiftly up onto the floatie and shot me a wink.

  As I gathered my thoughts, I shook my head to myself and smiled. So now he was Jack, from the Titanic?

  "I thought you said this wasn't the damn Titanic," I raised my brows at him with confidence, quoting him while a smirk played on my lips.

  I definitely wouldn't have him thinking that I was some girl who would go crazy over him because in all honesty, to me he was the same as all guys.

  Besides the fact that he was devilishly good looking, Hunter really didn't differ a lot from other guys. At least as far as I knew.

  Hunter shrugged, facing me as he sat on the floatie.

  "This can be whatever we want, Willow," he then spoke, and I had a feeling this was something other than what we had talked about earlier. "We can do whatever we want. There's no cameras here and nobody is even in the building until Monday morning."

  I studied him for a moment and considered giving in to him. I did sleep with guys, and wasn't ashamed of it.

  I mean, if a guy sleeps with girls he's cool, but if it's the other way around; the girl gets labeled a slut. That's idiotic, in my mind.

  But I decided not to give in to what he most likely wanted. I hated having sex even close to water, since it never ended well. I'd most likely end up drowning mid-orgasm or get full of water from down South.

  "Can I ask you something, Hunter?"

  He nodded for me to continue. "Are you looking for a rebound?" His brows furrowed at my question, as he processed it for a second. "What?"

  I shrugged, moving my arms in a way that abled my head to stay above the water properly.

  "Since you broke up with Cindy and then asked me out on a date..." I reasoned as he slid back down into the water, eyes concentrated on me.

  His features were even darker now, since the only lighting was the moonlight.

  "How do you know Cindy and I broke up? Did Alex tell you?" Hunter slowly began swimming towards me.

  "To be honest, I didn't even know you two were together," I let out a small laugh while he just remained serious.

  "I told him not to fucking tell anyone," he then mumbled and my smile faded. I guess it had really upset him.

  "Why are you so sure Alex told me?" I asked, leaning slightly backwards in the water as he neared me. The moonlight made the water glimmer beautifully around us.

  "He's the only one I told. And unless Cindy's told you, which I doubt, there's no other way of you knowing," he explained. I couldn't read his expression.

  "Hunter," I spoke softly as he stopped, leaving just a bit of space between us.

  "You can't tell Alex I told you that I know," I told him, "he'd kill me for telling you."

  "Oh?" A small smile tugged at the side of his lips. "And why wouldn't I tell him?" He raised his brows and I sighed – what was he getting at?

  "Because if you do, I'll tell him you took his precious little sister on a date. I don't think he'd be very happy about that," I challenged, raising my brows a little. If I could cross my arms right now without drowning, I would.

  Hunter seemed to enjoy this, as he slowly drifted even closer to me.

  "I guess neither of us can mention anything to him, then."


  "Yes, that's it," I let out a moan, leaning my head back in pleasure as my hips rolled around Oliver's member.

  His hands were on my hips, as he groaned, "you're so damn beautiful, Willow."

  I let out a small and breathless laugh, humming as my eyes closed and legs started to shake a little; my orgasm approaching.

  With my hands on his chest, I let out a final gasp and leaned forwards, reaching my peak.

  "Oli..." I moaned softly while his hands tightened on my waist and he began thrusting upwards, chasing after his high.

  "Fuck me," he let out a small moan before I felt his thrusts turn sloppy. Soon, he came into the condom, while I smiled tiredly down at him.

  "Jesus," he chuckled, running his hands over his face while he came down from his high and I lifted myself up before falling down onto the bed beside him, both of us breathing heavily.
br />   "Thank you," I thanked him, leaning in to kiss his jaw, feeling relaxed and calm.

  "Thank you, sexy," he gave me a grin, removing the condom, wrapping it up and throwing it away.

  "When can I see you again?" He asked, sitting up a bit to watch me as I got up from the bed and grabbed my panties and bra.