Six Feet Under
I woke up with a hammering headache on a couch in a strange living room. To say the least, I was absolutely frightened to realise this wasn't my home.
I had just woken up on a stranger's couch after drinking a bit too much at a house party last night. The party definitely hadn't been in this house, so why the hell was I here?
The house was very modern and definitely was above the average pay grade. It did look awfully familiar, but my hangover was really clouding my mind.
Had I been kidnapped, or something?
"Good, you're up".
I immediately jolted up, causing the thin duvet to slide down onto my lap and reveal the black dress I was thankfully still wearing.
My head jerked towards the voice, heart beating in my ears until my eyes landed on Hunter Reid. He was sitting shirtless at an island table in what seemed to be the kitchen.
I relaxed a bit since I've known Hunter since I was in kindergarten. Our families were close, but since he was my brother's best friend I've never talked to him properly at school or when our families got together.
I was staring at him with wide eyes, trying to calm myself down.
"Hunter," I breathed, and he gave me a small smile, "what the hell am I doing here?"
At this, he chuckled quietly and looked down at the bowl of cereal in front of him.
Hunter was leaning his arms on the table, sitting quite comfortably. It was weird to say this about my brother's best friend, but he looked very hot with just black sweatpants, his well-trained body showcased very nicely.
"You were drunkenly patting my dog in the backyard at 3 AM," he turned his dark eyes back to look at me and let his low voice fill the silence, "I asked you what you were doing and you just mumbled something about dogs being great before you threw up on my shoes".
"I threw up on your shoes?" I groaned, leaning my head down into my hands. I was definitely embarrassed and confused.
How had I ended up in the Reid family's backyard from the house party? And why had he been awake at 3 AM?
"You did," he confirmed, and I swear I heard a hint of amusement lacing his voice, "but it's fine, you were fucking wasted, Willow".
I shook my head to myself, not knowing what to do. This was more than awkward.
"I'm so, so sorry, Hunter," I gathered up a decent amount of courage to look up at him again while I slowly stood up. A small pressuring headache hit me, but I brushed it off. I was annoyingly hungover.
I noticed his eyes weren't on mine anymore once I stood on the other side of the couch, looking at him sitting in the kitchen.
I was a little confused as to why his pair of dark eyes were now on my body, until I realised that my black dress had risen very high. I blushed and quickly tugged it down to my mid thigh. Hunter's eyes found mine again.
"It's fine," he cleared his throat, giving me a small grin, "you want breakfast?"
I sighed with a small nod before I carefully made my way with bare feet around the couch and towards him.
He motioned for me to have a seat at the island table while he got up to fix me some food.
I probably looked like a total mess since I had had a lot of eye makeup last night. I didn't even want to know what my hair looked like.
I kept my eyes off Hunter as he made a quick breakfast for me, because I knew if I did lay my eyes on him, I wouldn't be able to remove them from his buff build.
I also knew without even properly looking at him that his body was a muscly and solid body, since my brother's was the same. The two were on our school's football team, captivating everyone's eye on the field as well as in school.
Girls had crushes on them, and so did a few guys. Since Hunter had always been just a family friend to me, and I hadn't looked at him even twice, I felt so humiliated of having him have seen me like this, instead of realising that the most popular guy in our whole school had now seen me like this.
Hunter and my brother Alex were both 19, about to graduate, while I had just turned 18.
Soon, Hunter had placed a bowl of cereal in front of me along with a spoon before seating himself down opposite me while his eyes studied me carefully.
I dared to look up at him and managed to give him a small smile. I really wanted the ground to swallow me up from embarrassment.
"I know it's just cereal, but it's the only thing I can't burn," he spoke, lightening up the awkward mood a bit and earning a small laugh from me.
"This is great, Hunter," I told him, shooting him a grateful smile while his intense eyes continued to study me, "thank you."
We ate in silence for a moment before I decided to get answers to some questions, "why were you awake at 3 AM?"
"Why were you?" he countered, "Alex wouldn't be too happy to know you were out that late, and drunk." I raised my brows at him a bit.
"I was at a party," I told him, "I guess I was trying to go home but then ended up in your backyard."
Hunter chuckled, his voice owning that sort of natural huskiness, "it was a nice coincidence. I was just thinking about you."
"Oh?" I gave him a confused smile, waiting for him to explain.
After he gave me a ghost of a smirk, he spoke, "just a few more months until our families go to Thailand, remember? I really can't wait."
There was a hint of suggestiveness in his tone, but I ignored it.
Thailand was where our families always went anually to celebrate the school ending for the summer. This year it would be extra special though, since Alex and Hunter would be graduating.
"It's gonna be fun," I agreed, nodding, "now why were you awake?"
Hunter shrugged, discreetly flexing his biceps which almost had me grinning, "my sleeping schedule is shit, babe."
Babe? Okay, then...
"Oh," I gave him a small smile.
After that, we ate breakfast in silence. Hunter offered to drive me home because he was coming over to pick Alex up anyway to go to the gym.
"Well, thank you for helping me," I gave him a tightlipped smile after we'd finished eating.
My hangover seemed to grow worse and worse, and I just wanted to go home.
"It's greatly appreciated. Could I also ask you to not mention anything to Alex?"
I ran my hand through my slightly greasy and messy hair, "because he would freak out, and I really don't need his preaching right now."
Hunter grinned, seeming quite pleased with himself, "I won't mention anything to him if you go on a date with me?"
That son of a bitch was blackmailing me.
I raised my brows at him after deciding that yes, I had indeed heard right.
"A date?"
I had never heard of Hunter Reid having dated anyone from my year.
"Yeah," he shrugged casually, eyes never leaving mine. It was intense and captivating, and I had no doubt in my mind I'd agree to go on a date with him even if Alex wouldn't approve.
It was just one date with a hot guy, what could possibly go wrong? Famous last words, I guess...
"Sure, alright," I nodded, shooting him a smile.
I then gave him my number, and he told me he'd text me. After this Hunter drove me home and I managed to sneak up to my room without being noticed.
"You didn't come home last night".
My brother sat down next to me on the couch in our living room after coming home from the gym with Hunter.
I shifted away from him, and cringed, "you seriously smell like Bigfoot's dick."
Alex laughed, trying to throw his arm over my shoulders and pull me to his side.
"I'm never talking to you if you touch me," I kicked his arm away from me. He raised his hands up in defeat, giving me a grin.
"So, where were you last night?" he then que
stioned again while my eyes settled back on the sitcom I had been watching on TV.
I just shrugged, leaning my back against the armrest and holding my phone in my hands.
After Hunter had driven me home discreetly and then picked up Alex, I had gone up to take a shower and a short nap.
I really had looked like a complete hot mess, which caused me to feel even more confused as to why Hunter had randomly asked me out on a date in the first place.
I decided just to go into it with an open mind and disregard his sort of 'reputation' and all the prejudices I had of him.
"I stayed over at Tessa's house," I lied. Tessa was my best friend, and she had also been at the party, "we watched a few movies and ordered pizzas".
Alex seemed to believe this, as he gave me a nod.
"Sure you weren't with some boy?" He then continued, and my head turned back to face his.
I guess he hadn't believed me, after all.
Alex was very protective of me since I was his little sister. He probably wanted to make sure I was a virgin until marriage to a guy he completely approved of. There was nothing virgin about me, though.
"I was with Tessa," I spoke again, trying to add even more conviction into my voice, "as far as I'm aware, she isn't 'some boy'".
I added a playful roll of my eyes for some effect. It made him chuckle and shake his head to himself.
"Alright, alright," Alex then gave me a nod, "you know I'll kill any guy that tries anything with you, right?"
I raised my brows at my older brother, incredibly unamused. We had had this conversation so many times before, it was getting exhausting.
"I don't see why that has anything to do with the fact that I was with my best friend. Who is a female," I reminded him of what I'd already told him.
He could really be so annoyingly stubborn sometimes, it drove me crazy.
"And I love you Alex, but seriously, I can take care of myself. I've already made it clear that whoever I date is my business, not yours".
"I was right about your ex though, wasn't I?" It was now his turn to raise his brows at me. I let out a laugh and shook my head, as he added, "he was a total dick."
"He wasn't a dick," I shook my head, "you scared Wren away with stupid threats on his life."
Alex just shrugged, "well he was a dick for not manning the fuck up and sticking with you even though I might've tested him a bit".
I leaned my head back with a frustrated groan, "can't you just admit that you're an overly protective older brother who gets on my nerves at least seven times a day?"
Alex laughed while I shot him a small playful glare, "nope. I just don't want to see you get hurt by getting involved with bad guys".
"Wren was very Christian, an excellent student, and a total fucking virgin," I began ranting, "how in the hell would you ever think he was a bad guy and would be in any way capable of hurting me?"
He smirked, making me snort out a small laugh.
"I don't know," he then decided, grinning, "he seemed boring. You aren't boring, so you'd get very bored with him. Then you'd end up divorcing him at the age of 40, losing custody of your three kids-"
"Hold up," I grinned, kicking him in the side in a brotherly and sisterly sort of fashion.
Of course, that meant him letting out a pained groan and shooting me a disapproving look.
"You seriously need help, dude. Or a life," I jested, "or would you like to make a list of guys I'm actually allowed to date, in your messed up mind?"
Alex pretended to think about it, or maybe he was actually considering it.
I turned back towards the TV, hoping I had rendered him silent at last, and also that he would go take a shower soon so I wouldn't have to smell sweat for any longer.
"If I can think of any, sure," he then shot me a teasing grin, trying so desperately to get on my nerves.
"It's easier if I made a list of who you can't date, though," he shrugged, "my friends would be on the top, then would come just fuck boys and players, followed up by jerks in general-"
It was obvious to both that he wasn't actually going to go as far as to make an actual list. He wasn't that annoying, but hearing him say his own friends, including Hunter, were at the top of that list, did confuse me.
"Why aren't I allowed to date your friends? Some are pretty hot," I wondered while he rolled his eyes at me playfully.
"They're jerks, Wills. I know you don't know them at all even though they come over a lot, and that's because I don't really like the idea of you knowing them," he shrugged, getting serious.
What the actual hell was he on about? I really hoped Hunter had dropped a weight by accident on Alex's head so there could at least be some explanation as to why he was this weird. But no.
"They're my friends, sure, and I know what they're really like. I'm sure you've heard rumours of some of them".
"Hunter?" I suggested since there were constant rumours going around school about him. Not necessarily bad rumours, though, to be honest.
"He just broke up with Cindy," Alex randomly told me, causing me to raise my brows a bit. Oh? I didn't even know they were a serious couple – I just thought they fucked around. "He's a bit of a wreck, and I tried to talk to him at the gym".
"Oh, that's sad," I nodded, yet it was obvious in my voice that I had no meaning behind it.
Alex then spoke quickly, "but I swear if you mention anything to him or his family about what I've just told you I will scare off every single guy you ever meet".
I laughed, shaking my head at my idiot brother.
"I'm not even friends with him, don't worry. And you scare away every guy anyway, so that threat really isn't going to work," I added a wink for good measure.
I knew my brother didn't control my life, and so did he. Alex scaring Wren off had been very amusing even though I'd lost a friend at the same time, but to be fair, once Wren had told me he was saving himself for marriage I had secretly wished for Alex to stick his nose into our business.
It saved me from having to break up with this sweet and innocent guy by literally telling him straight up: "I want an active sex life, and if you're not going to give it to me..."
My phone vibrated in my hands and I looked down at it.
From: Unknown Number: are you free tonight at 9 PM? It's Hunter.
Oh, God. I added the number to my contact list and changed the name, before replying.
To: Hunter: sure. what's the plan?
From: Hunter: Just wear a bikini and bring a floatie.
This definitely felt weird. Hunter was my brother's best friend and a family friend. He wasn't my friend, though, as we had stopped talking when the girl-boy-cootie faze hit us both.
I knew he knew how to have fun. It was obvious with the number of girls he'd dated, and I sort of admired the fact that he wasn't willing to settle down.
Hunter was still young, just having turned 19, and lived life to the fullest from what I'd heard and seen. I wanted to experience him first hand now that I had the chance.
Alex would literally kill him and me if he ever found out I had even hung out with him.
To: Hunter: date?
From: Hunter: Yes.
He was good looking as well as well-known and liked, so it really couldn't hurt getting to know him a little.
It was obvious for the both of us without even saying, though, that this was to be kept a secret.
I knew if Hunter was going to drive us to a beach, I'd leave right then. People who say that beach dates are romantic clearly haven't been on one.
I mean, if you like having sand everywhere and still try to act all casual and sexy for the guy you're with, then sure. But I don't like the beach. Especially now that it had started getting colder and colder.
Despite my worries, I had put on a bikini underneath my leggings and hoodie, and also grabbed a crocodile floatie from the garage.
I had told my parents and Alex that I was going to Tessa's for a few hours to chill as it was Saturday
To be honest, I was very excited and nervous to be spending time with Hunter Reid. I had never dated anyone from his year, and definitely not people like him.
I was very sceptical as to why he was now interested in me though, since we'd known most our lives and he had never even bothered to talk to me properly.