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Six Feet Under Page 3

  I shot him a smile over my shoulder while hooking my bra back on, now wearing my panties as well. "When I need sex, Oli".

  He chuckled, shaking his head at me, "I meant other than that, babe."

  I grabbed my jeans and slid them on, while he spoke up again. "Hey, why don't you stay here? We can watch a movie and chill?"

  I turned around to face him as I buttoned my jeans up and grabbed my shirt, "sorry, honey. You know I only come to you for sex."

  Once I had all my clothes back on, I grabbed my phone from his night table while he continued to look at me.

  He sighed, pulling the duvet over him and looking away. Oliver could be such a child, turning grouchy when he didn't get what he want. I just smiled.

  "I'll see you at school, babe," I rounded his bed and leaned in to press my lips gently against his.

  Oliver kissed back, and soon I had left his house and was driving home. While driving, I got a message from Tessa.

  From: Tessa: Jones' having a party tonight! Cameron will be there;)

  I had a little crush on Cameron, so I was totally in.

  Besides, it was early afternoon now so I had plenty of time to get ready. Plus, my parents were away for the weekend, so I was really free to do as I pleased - all I had to do was convince Alex I was going to a sleepover at Tessa's.

  Once I parked my car in front of my house, I texted Tessa back.

  To: Tessa: Heck yeah, I'm in :)

  With that, I got out of my car and walked up to the front door. After fumbling with the key a bit, I managed to get the door open as I stepped inside.

  I was extremely startled as I saw Hunter standing in the kitchen with Alex, both of them smoking a joint.

  "What the hell is going on here?" I made both of them look over at me as I closed the front door behind me loudly.

  There was only a small window cracked open, so there was a lot of smoke floating about in air.

  I tried to ignore the small smirk Hunter shot me, so I kept my eyes on Alex.

  "You're hotboxing our house?" I raised my brows at him, making my way closer to the two.

  Alex just chuckled, blowing out more smoke to the mix.

  "You do know it's going to smell when mum and dad get back, right?"

  He just rolled his eyes with a grin, "you want some?" He offered me his joint.

  I accepted it and brought it up to my lips, my eyes finally landing on Hunter who was watching me closely.

  His eyes made me feel incredibly hot suddenly, so I immediately looked back at Alex, concealing the sudden and surprising effect his best friend had on me.

  I blew out the thick smoke before handing the joint back to my brother.

  "I'm going to air out the whole house before they come back, don't you worry pipsqueak," he then told me and I nodded.

  "Sure. But if you get caught, I was at Tessa's for the whole weekend," I shot him a small glare, making both guys chuckle.

  For some reason, I was avoiding Hunter's stunning eyes now that Alex was here with us.

  Suddenly, a phone started ringing from upstairs.

  "It's yours, man," Hunter spoke to Alex, while he cursed under his breath.

  Before I had even registered things, he ran towards the stairs and then up them, towards his ringing phone.

  Only now I dared to look up at Hunter, who I found already looking down at me with a knowing expression while continuing to smoke.

  "Willow," he gave me a small nod, the sides of his delicious looking lips tugging up in a small smirk. He had a very mischievous glint in his eyes.

  "Hunter," I returned the nod with a small smile. He then chuckled, shaking his head to himself as he quickly glanced down at his feet.

  "What?" I asked, raising my brows at him. When he looked back at me, I felt electricity start flowing through my body.

  "Where'd you come from?" Hunter asked, finishing the joint and dropping it into a beer can on the island table.

  I furrowed my brows, why was he asking?

  "From a friend's house," I told him, making him chuckle again.

  "Hunter," I spoke, glancing over at the stairs to make sure Alex wasn't coming down, "what is it?"

  "The just-had-sex look really suits you," he told me casually, and my eyes widened a bit.

  "Excuse me?" I almost whisper yelled. I swear, if Alex heard...

  Hunter gave me a very attractive smile, leaning in slowly and lowering his already husky voice, "darling, trust me. I know exactly what a girl looks like after she's got fucked really well."

  I raised my brows at him and crossed my arms over my chest, challengingly. "Oh? And how would you know that?"

  Both of us were enjoying this. It was hard to say what it was exactly, but there was some kind of tension between us now after we'd gone on that small date.

  "Wouldn't you like to find out, sweet girl," the natural huskiness and depth of his voice sent a good kind of shiver down my spine.

  I gave him a seductive look, definitely liking where this was going.

  I hadn't even realised how close he had drifted to me until I heard loud footsteps from upstairs; Alex was on his way back down.

  I immediately took a step back, glancing away and running a hand through my hair.

  "It was most likely his girlfriend," Hunter informed me lowly, causing me to look back into his intense eyes.

  "Girlfriend?" I raised my brows, shocked and confused.

  Alex definitely hadn't told me he was together with somebody.

  Hunter nodded, shrugging, "a girl called Candy from our year. Complete bitch, if you ask me, but don't tell anyone I told you."

  He added a small wink at the end just as Alex entered the kitchen again. I was still looking at Hunter as his eyes diverted from me and landed on Alex.

  "Trouble in paradise?" he asked teasingly, making Alex chuckle and shake his head.

  "Long story, I'll tell you later," he gave Hunter a nod, "Xbox?" Hunter shrugged and nodded, accepting the offer.

  "See you around, Wills," Alex shot me a smile before he walked past me and towards the stairs again, with Hunter following.

  "See you," I managed to murmur back, until Hunter's hand very, very discreetly brushed over my behind.

  I saw the smirk on his lips as he headed upstairs in Alex's room, while I was felt hot and bothered.

  I just huffed to myself and shook my head, rounding the island table and walking over to the fridge.

  I was still confused as to why he had now taken such an interest in me.

  I just needed to have sex with Hunter soon, so all this would pass over.


  That evening, I had put on black skinny jeans and a white frilly top as I got ready for Tessa to pick me up and then bring us to Jones' house for his party.

  I couldn't wait to see Cameron, since I had planned on trying to finally hit on him tonight.

  Holding my stilettos in my hands as I tiptoed down the stairs at 10 PM while Hunter and Alex were in Alex's room, I tried not to make any sounds so Alex wouldn't see me leaving 'to Tessa's house' looking like this. He would immediately know I was going to a party.

  The house was very dim as I made my way towards the front door.

  "Where are you going?" I heard his voice, startling me.

  I jumped a bit, bringing a hand up to my heart as I steadied my breathing.

  "Jesus, you scared me, Hunter," I turned to glare into the living room, where Hunter was indeed sitting on the couch with his phone on his lap.

  He gave me a small grin, watching as I took a few steps closer to stand in the doorway of the living room.

  "What are you doing down here?" I then asked him, ignoring how his eyes ran over my body in an almost sinful way.

  "Candy's pissed about something," he shrugged, "Alex's on the phone with her. I decided to give them some privacy."

  I frowned a bit, "he hadn't told me he was seeing somebody?"

  Hunter chuckled, shaking his head at me as he leaned back comfortably. "They used to j
ust fuck around, but then it got serious. He'll tell you when he's ready, Willow."

  I raised my brows at him a bit, and he shot me a smirk. "So, where are you off to?"

  "A party," I told him honestly.

  Hunter nodded, "you look amazing."

  I thanked him with a smile, "well, my crush is going to be there, so..."

  "Crush?" Hunter raised his brows at me, surprised, "and who's that?"

  If something was happening between Hunter and I, I wanted to be completely honest instead of playing with him. He deserved to know that I wasn't one to settle down, and it was pretty obvious he wasn't like that either.

  I just shrugged with a wide smile, "for me to know and for you to not find out, Hunter."

  He chuckled, intense eyes studying me. "Sure, babe. You wanna come here for a second?"

  I furrowed my brows and took a few slow steps towards him on the couch, "why?"

  Hunter shrugged, a mischievous expression on his beautiful face, "come on, Willow."

  I stepped up to him, still holding my stilettos.

  "Your crush is really fucking lucky," he then looked up at me and lowered his voice, expression serious, "does he know that, hm?"

  My eyes widened a bit as I stared down at him.

  "Uh-" I squeaked, immediately clearing my throat after, and he smirked. "He doesn't know I like him."

  "Oh?" Hunter chuckled again, hand reaching the back of my thigh and tugging me closer to him, "and doesn't he like you, then?"

  I shrugged, looking away in the dim living room, "I don't know. He's always just considered me a good friend, I guess."

  "He's gay", he came to the conclusion, making me let out a laugh and turn my head back towards his. "What?" I asked, amused.

  Hunter grinned up at me, "you're really attractive, Wills. I can't imagine a guy being friends with you and not even once thinking about kissing you."

  "You've known me for my whole life," I raised my brows challengingly, "you haven't tried anything."

  "Because we've never talked without Alex around before," he told me, "please don't take this the wrong way, but you've no joke been my fucking wet dream ever since you hit puberty."

  I burst out laughing, immediately covering my mouth with my free hand to prevent Alex from hearing upstairs. Hunter looked amused, as he grinned up at me.

  "You're disgusting, I'm going now," I told him, grinning as well, as I turned around to walk away.

  Before I could through, he had grabbed my wrist and pulled me so that I fell down on top of him with a small sound of surprise.

  "Hu-" I began but he kissed me, silencing me completely.

  Finally, I thought to myself and kissed back.

  Right now, I honestly couldn't give two shits as to why he was now so into me, all I could do was enjoy his lips against mine and hands on my body.

  He deepened the kiss, causing my eyes to almost roll back in pleasure. This guy really knew how to kiss. But then he pulled back, leaving me wanting a lot more, with my body tingling.

  I stared at him wide eyed, watching as he just smirked. I awkwardly stood up and straightened my shirt while still standing in front of him.

  "What the hell was that?" I breathed, staring down at him. He looked very casual and collected, as always. And hot.

  Hunter shrugged, "remember that when you want to kiss your crush, or little boys in your grade, hm?"

  "You're so full of yourself," I let out a small laugh, shaking my head at him, "you're an average kisser, Hunter." He was fantastic.

  He raised his brows up at me, obviously knowing I was lying, "whatever helps you sleep at night, babe."

  I just rolled my eyes at him with a smile I couldn't stop, before leaving the house and getting into Tessa's car waiting beside the sidewalk.

  We chatted a bit, just catching up and gossiping before she drove us to the party. Just before she parked, I got a text from Hunter.

  From: Hunter: When you get back I'll show you what you're missing while chasing after little boys. x

  It amused me how he called guys my age little boys. To him, they probably were though, or he was just showing off.

  To: Hunter: it's a date x


  "Cameron!" I smiled widely, surrounded by dozens of teens, dancing or drinking, as Cameron made his way towards me through the crowd.

  Tessa was standing beside me, and nudged me discreetly when he gave me a smile, now standing in front of us.

  "Hey, girls," he greeted us, looking so cute my heart was melting.

  I immediately gave him a flirty look, which he smiled at.

  "I didn't know you were here, Cam," I lied, twirling a piece of hair between my finger and enjoying his eyes on me.

  "I was actually looking forward to talking to you, Willow," Cameron told me, and my heart skipped a beat.

  I raised my brows a bit, smile widening, "oh?" Now, I was really excited, ignoring the loud music pumping through Jones' house. "Is it serious?"

  He let out a chuckle, glancing at Tessa quickly, "kind of? I mean, depends."

  His soft brown eyes smiled at me, as I nodded and stepped a little closer to him.

  "Why don't you go get me a drink, Cam, and I'll meet you upstairs?" I asked with a clear hint of seductiveness in my voice.

  Cameron nodded, completely oblivious to the fact that I wanted to have sex with him. He was a good boy, pure and innocent, so I wanted to see him lose control and show me what he was like with girls behind closed doors.

  When Cameron had walked off to the kitchen, I turned to Tessa and we squealed.

  "I can't believe this is fucking happening!" She said excitedly, making me laugh.

  "How's it so hard to believe? Should I be offended?" I raised my brows at her.

  I felt two hands on my waist, sliding around it. Then, I felt lips press against my neck, making me flinch and pull away to be able to turn my head to see who it was.

  "Jones," I grinned, as one of the most liked and adored guys in my grade flung his arm over my shoulders and gave me a wide smile, standing beside me.

  "Who the fuck let you in?" He joked, kissing my cheek quickly as I let out a laugh. "Fuck you, Jones," I shot him a playful look.

  He raised his brows and leaned in closer, his lips almost brushing against my ear, "you wanna?"

  I nudged him, making him pull away with a playful smirk, "I'm not wasting my bedroom skills on you, blue balls." Jones chuckled, shaking his head down at the floor.

  "Wills is about to bump and grind with Cameron," Tessa quipped, grinning.

  I smiled as Jones gave me a shocked impression. "Have you seriously managed to corrupt the single most innocent male mind in the whole country?"

  I giggled and shrugged, "hopefully. I'll see you two later, I need to get to my dick appointment."

  Tessa laughed, and I grinned widely. "Tess, we'll leave together, right?"

  "Definitely," she nodded, "go have fun, babes."

  I nodded, shooting her a smile.

  "Do you think I can come stand outside the door and list-" Jones began, before I gave him a challenging look.

  His lips pulled into a cheeky grin as I replied, "you're such a pervert, I have no idea why we're friends."

  He chuckled, kissing my cheek again while he pulled his arm away from over my shoulders.

  "Because I have fucking lit parties, baby. Go have fun, come find me and update me right after, okay?"

  I smiled and nodded, "of course."

  And with that, I started making my way through the mass of people. I bumped into a few of my good friends and we chatted quickly, before I walked up the stairs, that already had people making out along side it.

  I walked down a hallway, with one door slightly ajar at the end of it, where I hoped Cameron would be. And when I opened the door slowly, I saw him sitting on the bed, looking down at his phone.

  I stepped inside and he raised his head to look at me before I closed the door behind us while giving him a smile, "hey".

y," he replied, sliding his phone into his pocket, eyes darting to my hand as I swiftly locked the door.

  Slowly, while keeping my eyes on his, I walked further into the room. Cameron stood up before I could step between his legs.